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 Borland C++Builder Tips and Tricks
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Delphi and C++Builder
Since I have Borland C++Builder and Borland Delphi together on one machine I devised a couple of little tricks to smoothly use the project group and project files of these tools. What Borland did was to give the project groups both the same extension. However, a project group file from Delphi 4 does not work in C++Builder 3. Making a few modifications in the 'FileTypes' tab of the 'Folder Options…' dialog can make your life a little bit easier:

  1. Change the default open action in such a way that if you open the file, you view it in an ASCII editor. Change the application to "PathToMyEditor.exe" "%1".
  2. Add the 'Open with C++Builder' action and change the application to "C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder3\Bin\bcb.exe" "%1". Don't forget the quotes. Change the path to your own path.
  3. Do the same for 'Open with Delphi' action setting the application to "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi4\Bin\delphi32.exe" "%1". Don't forget the quotes. Change the path to your own path.
The effect is that if you double-click on one of these files, you can read them in an editor instead of starting Delphi or C++Builder, which can be the wrong IDE and is a fairly lengthy process. Right clicking the file lets you choose in which IDE you want to open the project group.

Making it from Explorer
The project files of C++Builder and Delphi do have a different extension. On the same note as above, we can build targets in these project files from Explorer by adding another pair of actions.

  1. For the C++Builder Project file type add a 'Make' action that executes "C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder3\Bin\make.exe" -f "%1". Don't forget the quotes. Change the path to your own path.
  2. For the Delphi Project file type add a 'Make' action that executes "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi4\Bin\dcc32.exe" "%1". Don't forget the quotes. Change the path to your own path.
The effect is that you now can right-click a project file and make the targets in that file from Explorer. This can be quite handy if you only want to regenerate the target in the project file without opening the IDE.

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Need a GUID in the code editor?Ctrl-Shift-GWorks in 3 and 4Works

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