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April 23: SDN Event with 5 Delphi sessions in The Netherlands

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 4/16/2012 8:37:53 PM (GMT+1)

On Monday, april 23rd 2012, the SDN will organise the next event in The Netherlands, free for members, featuring 5 Delphi sessions by four different speakers: Pawel Glowacki, Danny Wind, Marco Geuze and yours truly Bob Swart.

Pawel will talk about FireMonkey 3D Development. Danny will have sessions on multi-threading for responsive user interfaces, as well as the use of LiveBindings for dynamic interactive applications. Marco will talk about Delphi Unit Testing and TestGrip (a special tool he made for unit testing). Finally, my session will focus on the combination of DataSnap and iOS development, using the DataSnap Mobile Connectors to build DataSnap Clients that run on the iPad and iPhone with DataSnap Servers that run on my 64-bit Windows server. I will have a special discount offer for my XE2 DataSnap and iOS courseware manuals for those who attend my session next week.

See for more details and registration options (non-SDN members can attend for a fee of 75 Euro).


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