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New release of Delphi for Win32 and Delphi for PHP

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 2/20/2007 8:48:15 AM (GMT+1)

CodeGear has just announced a new release of Delphi for Win32, providing support for Windows Vista and AJAX.

At the same time, CodeGear introduces Delphi for PHP, offering a Visual RAD IDE (with the Delphi "feeling") and component architecture.

Note that Delphi for PHP is using the PHP language and not Delphi or ObjectPascal (it's the Delphi way of development, but not the Delphi language).



Confused07/02/21 18:50:43What's the difference between this new Delphi (is it 2007/Spacely?) and the current Turbo Delphi for Win32? They are both Delphi-only and Win32-only. Is this based on BDS 2007 (if there is such a thing) and will a newer Turbo version be release based on it later? I'm getting lost in all these editions! Is there a diagram somewhere showing what is based on what and what is a cutdown offshoot off what?
Mike07/02/25 10:45:03Ok, I must be reading this wrong right? Here I am waiting eagerly for almost a year for Borland/CodeGear to fix the many many bugs in 2006 (frankly it's a disgrace they called it a release version), and instead I now have to pay to upgrade to 2007 that may or may not have these bugs fixed? Come on!
Grismar 07/03/14 13:15:46Agreed Mike. It would seem that Delphi is going the way of WordPerfect: even though zounds of users keep ignoring the obvious problems and are religiously crying that they love the product, it's slowly dying to featuritis and bloat. Instead of fixing what's there, new stuff keeps getting added. New stuff that the old userbase for Borland doesn't need. The result for me personally, sadly I might add, is that I have to learn to use Visual Studio now, after 15 years of only using Borland (TP, Delphi, etc.). VS has its own problems, but it would seem that MS makes it more of a priority to fix them and at least I can get some work done...

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