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EKon 9 Opening: Borland Delphi Roadmap

Author: Bob Swart
Posted: 9/27/2005 12:29:10 PM (GMT+1)

This morning at EKon 9, David I did the opening keynote and presented - among others - a Delphi Roadmap, which was very interesting (to say the least). I could not get a copy of the slide, but I was able to take a picture with my phone:

Before the end of 2005: DeXter

  • C++, Delphi, Delphi for .NET, and C# in one IDE
  • ECO "basics" in all editions
  • ECO III - state machines
  • Together for Delphi
  • Performance & Quality
  • 64-bit .NET
Sometime in 2006: Highlander
  • VCL for Compact Framework
  • VCL for .NET 2.0
  • 64-bit .NET 2.0
Sometime in 2007: Delphi for Vista
  • VCL for Avalon
  • Indigo
Also sometime in 2007: Delphi and C++ for Win64

Tomorrow, Jason Vokes will demonstrate DeXter during the Technical Keynote, and I'll make sure to make some more notes (as well as sneaky pictures with my phone).

Also, make sure to check out Danny Thorpe's post on the Delphi Roadmap 2005 - 2006 with even more details from the wiz who makes this stuff.



Bob Swart05/09/27 19:17:31Marco Cantù has also written about the Delphi Roadmap in his weblog at (including a link to a photo of the Roadmap slide).
Daniel Wischnewski05/09/28 00:24:00Hi Bob, more pictures of Davids and Jasons sessions are online at my blog ;-) and I'll continue tomorrow hoping they'll show DeXter...
Bob Swart05/09/28 08:19:22Hi Daniel - great report and nice pictures (I cannot get my phone to upload the pictures to my laptop at this time - have to use the wire at home). I'll check again after the tech keynote (and will post my own DeXter notes here)
Maziar navahan05/09/28 21:09:49this not good news after this borland stop suppoty of linux ?
Peter05/09/28 23:13:30CrossFPC is comming soon! It targets Linux, Mac and Win within the Delphi IDE.
Sean05/10/01 01:22:28You know, they really ought to hurry up and release this new IDE. Borland is going to fall far behind Visual Studio if they don't. Delphi and C++ for Win64 in 2007 !!! That seems FAR too late.
Theodore Dennis05/10/03 06:59:00This product demo looks great. It looks exciting to see the Unified Process techniques being employed in this new version with 2-way code features. Any word if ECO III will support VCL.NET directly as it does in Delphi 2005 with Windows Forms and ASP.NET? After reading through David Clegg's article from Aug 13, it seems to me that this would be a "nice to have".
Igor05/10/10 21:24:07This is a road map to the end...
AzzaAzza6905/11/03 09:58:08I've been waiting for CF .net support ever since .net was announced for Delphi 8. At this rate I'm gonna have to stick to the crappy Microsoft Visual Studio stuff?!
the best seo service 13/09/05 18:09:01P20Msu Say, you got a nice article.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on...

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